D .D.G. prot. n. 13860 rep. 222/2013 del 15.07.2013 S.S.D.: ING-IND/08- Title of research:Numerical and experimental analysis of electro-hydraulic systems for the actuation of automotive robotic transmissions .- tutor: PROF. MASSIMO MILANI Site: Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Applicata e i Servizi nel settore della Meccanica Avanzata e della Motoristica (INTERMECH) Published 15 July 2013 Deadline 30 July 2013 ATTENTION: THE YEARLY TOTAL OF THIS RESEARCH GRANT IS EURO 22.054 NET OF SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE PAID BY THE ADMINISTRATION ( DECREE N. 13897/2013)
D .D.G. prot. n. 13860 rep. 222/2013 del 15.07.2013 S.S.D.: ING-IND/08- Title of research:Numerical and experimental analysis of electro-hydraulic systems for the actuation of automotive robotic transmissions .- tutor: PROF. MASSIMO MILANI Site: Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Applicata e i Servizi nel settore della Meccanica Avanzata e della Motoristica (INTERMECH) Published 15 July 2013 Deadline 30 July 2013